Hello all NERLEEA Advisors,
It is almost Berlin Fair time again! I hope this appeal request finds you and all of your cadets well. Again, I am asking for your post’s assistance with the annual Berlin Fair coming up on Thursday, September 14th and running through Sunday, September 17th. The assistance will be in the form of helping control 2 parking lots (North & South) at the fairgrounds, assisting the Berlin Police as needed, and in helping NERLEEA with manning our informational tent during the fair. I am looking to staff about 15-20 positions throughout the hours of the Berlin Fair at all times. There will be a Police Cadet Schedule forthcoming, which lists times and assignments for the length of the fair, once we know who can commit and we will work around those commitments the best we can.
As this is our second time for cadets at the fair, the schedule is an attempt to gauge what we will need cadets and advisors to do. Berlin Police Cadets is still a new program, albeit small, and the Fair requires all of our small department’s officers to work multiple double shifts throughout, including our cadet program advisors. We need you advisor help, as well as cadets.
Thursday morning is the start for cops/cadets. I am aware that the day shifts on Thursday and Friday are up against school days. We are looking for any older cadets who may not be in school or college aged, who can assist at those times. Thursday night there is a Demolition Derby taking place that evening. I will be leaning heavily on our young Berlin Cadets that night, but if you have any older cadets who can come “show them the ropes” I would greatly appreciate it.
So, “what is in it for us?” you ask? In exchange for assistance with the Fair, the Berlin Lions Club has agreed to allow NERLEEA use of their fairgrounds throughout the year, to host upcoming NERLEEA events like the Cadet Tactical Challenge coming up in October, at NO COST. The Berlin Lions Club has become a huge supporter of the Police Cadet/Explorer Mission after their experiences with our cadets last year. They will provide food and drinks, gratis, for all of our cadets and advisors, as well. We are also looking to do a car show in Spring to fundraise money to assist NERLEEA with reducing/keeping the costs down for the Cadet Police Academy and our other NERLEEA sponsored programs. This appeal is to everyone because with a large pool of assistance, we can pull this off with minimal time commitment from everyone. With many hands, the lift is light!
If you can help us out, please contact Officer Brandon Lagueux ([email protected]) or Det. Bella Delgado ([email protected]) for further information and scheduling. On behalf of NERLEEA, the Berlin Police Cadets, the Berlin Police Department and the Berlin Lion’s Club, I thank you for your anticipated assistance with this 4 day event.
Matt McNally, ([email protected]) NERLEEA Executive Board member